Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4 of 31 Days to a Better Photo: ISO

Ok, this post began in May, 2011...I never wrote anything and just moved on to Day 5 because I didn't get ISO.  It made sense when I read it and I've seen a grainy photo taken at a high ISO to see that I don't want that but I still didn't get it...why would I ever want to touch it?  Just put it at 100, get sharp photos and move on, right?  Wrong...I finally figured it's a good 7 months after first being introduced to the beast.  When I first read about it, I got out my camera and took a bunch of pictures at all different ISOs...and there was pretty much no difference in the pictures.  I didn't get it so I moved on.  Now, after a few months hiatus, I've been reading on in 31 Days to a Better Photo and the exposure triangle is being presented.  It seems ISO, Apeture and Shutter Speed all relate.  I knew about 2 of those relating to each other and understand that but ISO, still not getting it...until today.  I took this photo of Jill doing her writing (she loves to do this, by the way...everyday!)
I was able to get the shot with no flash, yea!  I soooo prefer natural lighting (especially since I don't have a fancy flash attachment, just the lovely pop-up flash that washes everything out!) So, I then move on to Adam.  He is further from the window so this is what I got...
Bummer...not enough light.  But then I remembered - ISO.  Would it really make a difference?  I changed it from 100 to 1600.  That is ALL I changed and this is what I got...
Wow, it works!  ISO does make a difference.  I didn't believe it.  I've tried it before but I guess I still had to figure out other stuff before I could get it.  Maybe I just didn't hold the camera still but no, I took more and had the same results.  I'm so excited because I've figured it out and because then I got more pics like this one...
Super Fun!  Looking forward to playing more and more :)
PS  If I'm understanding what I'm reading in the internet world and from what I remember from college photography...A high ISO will make for a grainier picture and should be the last resort...I have a cheap kit lens with an max aperture of 5.6...a better lens would not need the high ISO but for now, I'll use it!

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